4 Reasons Why eLearning Helps Mitigate Cyber-Attacks

4 Reasons Why eLearning Helps Mitigate Cyber-Attacks

4 Ways eLearning Can Help Mitigate Cyber-attacks

Proofpoint’s yearly report, The Human Factor, has revealed that 95% of malicious cyber-attacks “incorporate social engineering to trick users into installing malware”, as well as the astonishing realisation that more than 99% of cyber-attacks need human interaction to succeed.

The increase in Social Engineering attacks is a testament to the advances made in recent years by technology and software vendors in product development based around security. It is now more time consuming and expensive for hackers to penetrate firewalls than it is to trick employees to help let them in. It is important to distinguish these attacks, which now go beyond the traditional technology layers that previously had been protecting organisations all over the world.

Countering Social Engineering requires more than just technology, it needs a real focus on training – enabling employees to build their Continuing Professional Development (CPD) to allow them to become an organisation’s ‘Human Firewall’.

E-ZU Solutions provides comprehensive cyber-security awareness training through our eLearning Management System, which can be used to counter the threats that cyber-criminals pose to your organisation. Below is a list of 4 key benefits E-ZU eLearning can provide to your business:

Reason #1 – Train Your Staff With the Knowledge They Need

This is about your staff being able to recognise and know how to deal with emails and communications which they suspect might feel like social engineering attacks by cyber criminals.

Reason #2 – Learn the Tactics Deployed by Cyber Criminals

This is about teaching your staff the why and how in social engineering, this is more than just knowledge sharing but introduces the skills to recognise and deal with new threats not specifically covered by learning.

Reason #3 – Creating Cultural Change in Your Organisation

Social engineering relies on the current cultures within organisations where staff might be afraid to put their hand up and identify suspect files for fear of reprisal or ridicule (especially if they have just clicked a suspect link). It’s about an identified positive proactive security culture which can be shared by all.

Reason #4 – Testing and Proving Understanding

This is about being able to test the understanding of your staff and being able to use this evidence of knowledge and compliance for various reasons including:

  • Staff Continuing Professional Development
  • Corporate Governance Regimes
  • Quality Management such as ISO9001
  • Legal requirements (Data Protection Act)
  • Regulation requirements such as banking and finance

E-ZU eLearning Management System

An all-in-one cloud solution built to inspire learning and fuel workplace productivity.

Our next-generation platform delivers tailored, up-to-date training content across a range of business-critical topics, via an extensive course library of over 5,000 videos, and the ability to add your own custom channels and content.

It’s simple to use and comes packed with powerful tools to manage training and track development, to increase learner engagement (with in-built gamification), and build a sense of community across your workforce – all under an affordable per-user/per-month pricing model.

Find out more about the E-ZU eLearning Management System